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 Name  Date  Size  Description 
 cp001625.exe  02/06/2024  755.9KBs   
 cp001625.txt  02/06/2024  102Bs   
 cp001672.exe  02/06/2024  777.2KBs   
 cp001672.txt  02/06/2024  96Bs   
 cp002440.exe  02/06/2024  621.6KBs   
 cp002440.txt  02/06/2024  967Bs   
 cp002522.exe  02/06/2024  4.5MBs   
 cp002522.txt  02/06/2024  126Bs   
 cp002559.exe  02/06/2024  766.6KBs   
 cp002559.txt  02/06/2024  1.7KBs   
 cp002788.exe  02/06/2024  771.4KBs   
 cp002788.txt  02/06/2024  1.8KBs   
 cp002813.exe  02/06/2024  2.7MBs   
 cp002813.txt  02/06/2024  114Bs   
 sp11023.exe  02/06/2024  56.8KBs   
 sp11023.txt  02/06/2024  2.8KBs   
 sp19619.exe  30/09/2024  2.4MBs   
 sp19619.txt  30/09/2024  2.7KBs   
 sp19672.exe  02/06/2024  4.8MBs   
 sp19672.txt  02/06/2024  3.4KBs   

File: cp002559.txt - >Download<
           C O M P A Q (R)  C O M P U T E R  C O R P O R A T I O N

                    ATI RAGE IIC Graphics Adapter Driver


    This file contains the driver installation instructions for
    an extraction of the ATI RAGE IIC Graphics Adapter Driver files.


     1.	Run the Display program located in the Control Panel, under Settings 
	in the Start menu.  Alternatively, position the cursor on the 
        background of the desktop, click the right mouse button, then select 
        Properties from the popup menu.

     2.	Select the Settings page.

     3.	Select Display Type....

     4.	Select Change... from the display options.

     5.	Select Have Disk...

     6.	Windows NT 4.0 will prompt you for the correct path.  Enter the path 
        containing the extracted ATI RAGE IIC Graphics Adapter Driver files and 
        select the ATIINTAH.INF file.

     7.	A list of ATI graphics accelerators will be displayed.  Select the one 
        you are using and click the OK button.

     8.	Windows NT 4.0 will once again prompt for confirmation.  All 
        appropriate files are then copied to the hard disk.

     9.	Restart Windows NT 4.0.  Windows NT 4.0 will start up using the ATI 

    10.	NT 4.0 will boot into a default mode and start the Display applet 
        allowing for mode selection.

     Copyright � 2001, Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved.

Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks 
                      of their respective companies.
