i bought this of eBay for just under £33 + p&p, it's a 32MHz Nixie tube Frequency Counter,
from around 1972 to 1975, i didn't need to do too much to it, just a bit of a clean,
inside and out, i did replace all the DP (decimal point) lights, with LED's,
because all but one were working, it may not be of much use Today,
but it is a really cool bit of kit.

Racal 836 - Radio Museum - (http://www.radiomuseum.org/r/racal_frequency_counter_836.html)
Racal 836 Service Manual - (http://www.ko4bb.com/manuals/download.php?file=Racal/Racal_9036,7,8_and_836_Timer-Counter_Service_Manual.pdf)